+996 773 433 343
+996 773 433 343


thousand tons
coal mined in 2022
The Bel-Alma coal deposit is one of the largest in Kyrgyzstan, often referred to as the "Coal Kumtor." Explored reserves amount to approximately 114 million tons of brown coal.
  • 200
    million tons
    total reserves
  • 114
    million tons
    confirmed reserves

Internal classification of coals
Coal Class А
Fraction 0-50, 0-300 mm
Net calorific value 6600+
Ash content up to 9,5%
Total sulfur content up to 0.8%
Yield of volatile up to 31%
Coal Class В1
Fraction 0-50 mm
Net calorific value 6000+
Ash content up to 25%
Total sulfur content from 0.8%
Yield of volatile up to 31%
Coal Class В2
Fraction 0-300 mm
Net calorific value 6000+
Ash content up to 25%
Total sulfur content from 0.8%
Yield of volatile up to 31%
Coal Class С1
Fraction 0-50 mm
Net calorific value 5500+
Ash content up to 35%
Total sulfur content from 0.8%
Yield of volatile up to 31%
Coal Class С2
Fraction 0-300 mm
Net calorific value 5500+
Ash content up to 35%
Total sulfur content from 0.8%
Yield of volatile up to 31%
thousand tons
coal mined in 2020
thousand tons
coal mined in 2021
thousand tons
coal mined in 2022
thousand tons
coal mined in 2023
Investment for operational efficiency
Our investment programme aims to enhance operational efficiency. We have invested over 2 billion SOM in the past few years towards the development and production facilities.
in 2021
by 0%
in 2021
by 47%
in 2022
by 18%
в 2020
by up to 7 day
в 2021
by up to 5 day
в 2022
by up to 3 day
Our goal, alongside the expansion of the company, is not solely to uphold productivity and dependability, but also to enhance the standard of management and augment technological outcomes.